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MAR 01

POSTED BY: Akatech Solutions | | DATE: March 01, 2016. | Source: CRTV.

According to App Annie study, time spent on mobile applications is expected to reach $ 51 billion only in 2016.

Equipment smartphones and tablets continues to grow, the study predicts it could rise from 2.6 billion in 2015 to 6.2 billion in 2020 worldwide.

The trend will only increase. Just in 2016, App Annie estimates that the number of downloads in the app stores should increase by 33% to 147.3 billion. As a result, turnover is also growing exponentially.

According to the study released at the Mobile World Congress, the gross turnover of app stores will increase from $ 41.1 billion in 2015 (of which 22 billion in Apple's application store) to 50.9 billion dollars in 2016 and 101.1 billion in 2020. per person, this is not a big change: 15.4 dollars per year in 2015 to 16.2 dollars in 2020.

Games meanwhile, account for 85% of sales apps. They generate the most spending ($ 34.8 billion worldwide in 2105. Forecasts indicate that the price of mobile games to more than double by 2020, thanks to China. Other categories promising apps are apps for music and video streaming and apps meetings, key drivers of growth in these markets today.

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